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发布时间:2020-06-11 03:35:50
【原文】 商贾在朝,则货财上流;妇言人事,则赏罚不信;男女无别,则民无廉耻;货财上流,赏罚不信,民无廉耻,而求百姓之安难,兵士之死节,不可得也 《权修》
【汉解】 商人在朝中掌权,财货贿赂就流往上层;妇人参与政事,赏功罚过就不能准确;男女没有界限,人民就不知廉耻。在货财上流、赏罚不信、民无廉耻的情况下,要求百姓为国家甘冒危难,兵士为国家献身死节,是办不到的。
【英译】If merchants and traders are received at court, goods and wealth will flow upward in the form of bribes. If women have a voice in the affairs of men, rewards and punishments will not be reliable. If men and women are not segregated, the people will have neither a sense of integrity nor a sense of shame. If goods and wealth flow upward, rewards and punishments are unreliable, and the people have neither a sense of integrity nor a sense of shame, it is impossible to expect either the hundred surnames to remain steadfast in times of trouble or the troops to be willing to sacrifice their lives.

