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发布时间:2020-06-12 01:38:35

【原文】故圣人之制事也,能节宫室、通车舆以实藏,则国必富、位必尊;能適衣服、去玩好以奉本,而用必赡、身必安矣;能移无益之事、无补之费,通币行礼,而党必多、交必亲矣。 《禁藏》


【英译】Now, since the sage in regulating his affairs is able to practice moderation in terms of palaces and prudence in terms of chariots, thereby seeing to it that his treasury remain full, his state is bound to be rich and his position honored. Since he is able to be conservative in terms of dress and dispense with idle pleasures, thereby promoting essential production, his needs are bound to be satisfied and his person safe. Since he is able to avoid meaningless activity and useless expense, thereby being in a position to present rich gifts and act in accordance with the rules of propriety, his allies are bound to be numerous and his relations with them close.

