【英译】Indeed, it is the nature of men that whenever they see profit, they cannot help chasing after it, and whenever they see harm, they cannot help running away. When the merchant engages in trade and travels twice the ordinary distance in a day, uses the night to extend the day, and covers a thousand li without considering it too far, it is because profit lies ahead. When the fisherman puts out to sea, the sea may be ten thousand –ren deep, and when he heads into its waves and struggles against its tides, raises his small mast and sails out a hundred li, never leaving the water from morning to night, it is because profit lies in the water. Thus, wherever profit lies, even though it be atop a thousand-ren peak, there is no place people will not climb. Even though it is at the bottom of the deepest depth, there is no place people will not enter.
李克强:各级政府都要以人民利益至上,以万家疾苦为重,每出一策都要考虑是否有利于千家万户、有利于民生。今年我们在应对疫情冲击 [详细] -
汪洋:各位委员:中国人民政治协商会议第十三届全国委员会第三次会议,应出席委员2151人,今天实到2043人,符合规定人数。现在开会 [详细] -
近日,习近平总书记在考察北京地坛医院和朝阳区疾控中心时表示,信心百倍打好阻击战、总体战,打好这一场人民战争,我们一定要树立 [详细] -
据安徽卫视新闻报道大年三十将首批万余只一次性医用防护口罩捐送到武汉市东湖区人民医院;第二批1000只捐送给安[详细] -
众志成城抗冠毒 华商精英在行动
二0二0 年初,正当中华儿女辞旧迎新,欢度鼠年春节大迁徙的时候,一场突如其来的新型冠状病毒开始在有着1200百万人口的城市武汉肆虐。为了 [详细]