香港新闻联来浙江采风交流HKF Journalists Visit Zhejiang
发布时间:2024-12-17 23:02:00浙江省国际传播中心
11月22日, 2024香港新闻工作者联会来浙采风交流活动在绍兴落幕。为期五天的行程中,采风团走访杭州、嘉兴、宁波、绍兴等地,深刻感受浙江的文化底蕴与经济活力。
On November 22, the 2024 Hong Kong Federation of Journalists Visit to Zhejiang was concluded in Shaoxing. During the five-day visit, the delegation went to Hangzhou, Jiaxing, Ningbo, and Shaoxing, feeling the profound culture and vibrant economy of Zhejiang Province.
On November 22, the 2024 Hong Kong Federation of Journalists Visit to Zhejiang was concluded in Shaoxing. During the five-day visit, the delegation went to Hangzhou, Jiaxing, Ningbo, and Shaoxing, feeling the profound culture and vibrant economy of Zhejiang Province.

Zhejiang and Hong Kong are close to each other in terms of geographical location and ancestral ties. The strong connection between the two places is bolstered by cooperation between their media organizations. On the launch ceremony of the visit on November 18, a strategic cooperation agreement was jointly signed by the Zhejiang Journalists Association, Hong Kong Federation of Journalists, and Zhejiang International Communication Center.

Zhejiang, a province with a strong cultural atmosphere, conveys the pulse of history and the power of cultural inheritance. At the Hangzhou Branch of the National Archives of Publications and Culture, the delegation felt the extensive and profound Chinese culture through old archives. At the Former Residence of Jin Yong and Jin Yong Academy, the legendary life of this great writer, beloved for his wuxia (martial arts and chivalry) novels, was vividly presented. At the Ningbobang Museum, journalists from Hong Kong learned about the pioneering stories of Ningbo merchants from historical records. Ningbo merchants have been an important bond between Zhejiang and Hong Kong since the rise of the shipping industry and the thriving of national industries, till the prospering global trade today.

In addition to the profoundness endowed by culture, Zhejiang also has huge economic vitality generated by its private sector, which can be seen both from the modern industrial chains of Tongkun Holding in Tongxiang and Soundking Grope in Ningbo, as well as from the revitalized traditional industries in Puyuan Wool Sweater Market and Zhejiang China Textile City. Delegation members wowed the pragmatic and efficient styles of private businesses in Zhejiang, which mirrors the future of China’s private economy.

In this five-day visit, though not long, the delegation felt in-depth the charming culture and vigorous development of Zhejiang, and the two sides will expect more exchanges and cooperation with each other in the future.
(Zhejiang International Communication Center 浙江省国际传播中心)
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